Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I Love Pie!

Curbed, originally uploaded by Clover_1.

So I made this amazing pie for Jayne's birthday a couple of days ago. It wasn't anything I thought I would love, but boy did I love it. It was that great slightly burnt sugar flavour, like in a creme brulee. It got rave reviews, too, so everybody loved it. And of course, I forgot to photograph it. I really feel like I'm hitting a baking stride this year. It had to coincide with my 2nd best effort to date to lose some of my extra pounds, didn't it?

The pic is of Clover and I from the weekend. She's wearing a shirt and pants courtesy of me. I love seeing her run around in the little things I make for her. I just love seeing her run around. I'm so proud to be that little bean's mama. Those pants are my favourite, too. Super simple, and they fit her really well. I woulda made her 10 pairs if she had any need for them. I suppose I could get started on my fall sewing, but she always grows faster than I expect, so I'll wait until at least August before I get into that.

I've been out of the sewing room for a few days now. I always feel antsy and anxious when that happens. Even when things aren't going super smoothly with a project, I always find crafting and sewing a relaxing and therapeutic experience. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to get to something tomorrow.